P3 House

Type: single-family house 

Status: built, 2020-2023

Location: Constanta, Romania

Works: architecture (renovation & extension), interior design, landscape design

Total built area: 350 sqm

The project started with a site in Constanta, Romania, which has two major advantages – its position 50m from the beach and unobstructed views to the South. There was an existing two story house on the site that had suffered multiple aesthetic interventions during the last 20 years.

The architectural solution started with maintaining the initial volume of the building, but at the same time simplifying its geometry while adding a second floor. The resulting image is simpler, more modest, with Mediterranean influences and a particular attention to details. The new story is recessed from all four sides so as to reduce its visual impact.

Functionally, the house is structured horizontally in two – all the secondary spaces face North, to the street, with smaller windows; all livable rooms face South, with larger windows and views to the sea.

The new third floor is accessed separately by an added exterior circular staircase and is made up by a studio apartment with a terrace and generously sized windows, with spectacular views to the sea, beaches and the city’s sillhouette.

All architectural elements were designed in detail, like the spiral staircase, wood front door and railings. Particular attention was paid to exterior design, with details such as the slab paths, exterior shower and custom made furniture.

The garden is an intimate space thanks to the 2m elevation form the back of the site, where it joins with a path and has a secondary access towards the beach. The shrubery on the sides of the site will create, in time, a visual filter for the adjoining properties, and the creeper species will hide the neighbouring house’s wall. The only existing tree on the site was kept, even though it partially obstructs views to the south.

The interior design contrasts with the simplicity of the exterior because the client opted for a more classical image, with Spanish colonial style influences, found in elements like the railing, the finishes, or the large glass and wood doors.


The project started with a site in Constanta, Romania, which has two major advantages – its position 50m from the beach and unobstructed views to the South. There was an existing two story house on the site that had suffered multiple aesthetic interventions during the last 20 years.

The architectural solution started with maintaining the initial volume of the building, but at the same time simplifying its geometry while adding a second floor. The resulting image is simpler, more modest, with Mediterranean influences and a particular attention to details. The new story is recessed from all four sides so as to reduce its visual impact.

Functionally, the house is structured horizontally in two – all the secondary spaces face North, to the street, with smaller windows; all livable rooms face South, with larger windows and views to the sea.

The new third floor is accessed separately by an added exterior circular staircase and is made up by a studio apartment with a terrace and generously sized windows, with spectacular views to the sea, beaches and the city’s sillhouette.

All architectural elements were designed in detail, like the spiral staircase, wood front door and railings. Particular attention was paid to exterior design, with details such as the slab paths, exterior shower and custom made furniture.

The garden is an intimate space thanks to the 2m elevation form the back of the site, where it joins with a path and has a secondary access towards the beach. The shrubery on the sides of the site will create, in time, a visual filter for the adjoining properties, and the creeper species will hide the neighbouring house’s wall. The only existing tree on the site was kept, even though it partially obstructs views to the south.

The interior design contrasts with the simplicity of the exterior because the client opted for a more classical image, with Spanish colonial style influences, found in elements like the railing, the finishes, or the large glass and wood doors.



Proiectul a început cu un teren în Constanţa care prezintă două avantaje majore – amplasarea la 50m de plajă şi vedere neobstrucţionată către mare spre sud. Pe teren se află o locuinţă cu etaj care a suferit multiple modificări estetice în ultimii 20 de ani.

Soluţia de arhitectură a pornit de la păstrarea volumului iniţial, dar cu simplificarea geometriei existente şi cu supraetajare parţială. Imaginea rezultată este mai simplă, modestă, cu influenţe mediteraneene şi cu o atenţie deosebită dată detaliilor constructive. Etajul nou este retras de la toate cele patru laturi pentru a nu contribui considerabil la masivitatea construcţiei. Cu retragerea cea mai mare către sud, acesta este imperceptibil de la parter.

Funcţional, locuinţa este structurată orizontal pe două direcţii – spre nord, către stradă, sunt orientare toate spaţiile secundare, cu ferestre de dimensiuni mici; spre sud sunt orientate toate camerele de locuit, care au ferestre de dimensiuni mari şi vedere spre mare.

Etajul 2, cu acces separat pe o scară elicoidală exterioară nouă, deserveşte un studio cu terasă şi ferestre generoase, cu vedere spectaculoasa către mare, plaje si silueta oraşului.

Elementele de arhitectură au fost proiectate în detaliu, precum scara elicoidală, uşa principală de lemn şi balustradele. Atenţie deosebită a fost dată şi amenajării grădinii şi teraselor, cu detalii precum pavajele în dale, duşul exterior şi mobilierul proiectat.

Grădina este un spaţiu intim datorită elevaţiei de 2m dinspre spatele terenului, unde se învecinează cu o alee cu acces secundar către plajă. Arbuştii plantaţi perimetral vor creea în timp un filtru vizual către proprietăţile învecinate, iar plantele căţărătoare vor acapara calcanului dinspre vest. Singurul arbore existent iniţial pe teren a fost păstrat, deşi obstrucţionează parţial vederea către sud.

Amenajarea interioară contrastează cu simplitatea exteriorul deoarece s-a optat pentru o imagine mai clasică, cu influenţe ale stilului colonial spaniol, regăsit în elemente precum balustrada, finisajele, sau uşile mari vitrate din lemn.